
Whiter teeth are made in winter.

For a lot of people, winter is when we start to relax and loosen the reins a little bit. After all, with longer nights and less form-fitting fashion, winter is a lot more forgiving. However, in doing so, we often develop poor habits and unhealthy lifestyles. By the time spring and summer comes around, many people get into a frenzy trying to obtain their ‘summer bodies’. It’s an unhealthy cycle that hundreds of thousands of people find themselves in yearly. More importantly, anyone in the health and fitness industry can tell you that it’s also a damaging cycle that is difficult to maintain.

This cycle also occurs with our teeth – particularly the appearance of our teeth. During the winter, many people develop poor lifestyles and dietary habits that stain or damage their teeth. Once discoloured and stained, it can be tough to reverse the damage and whiten our teeth without expensive professional solutions. As a result, many people turn towards homemade teeth whitening remedies as we enter spring and summer – or wedding and holiday seasons.

Homemade teeth whitening remedies are often abrasive and can do more damage than good. Therefore, we recommend you build healthy winter habits to keep your teeth pearly white when summer comes around. After all, white teeth are made in the winter.

Simple tips to keeping your smile white this winter:

  • Avoid consuming teeth-staining food and drink.

Wintertime is when we consume teeth-staining foods and drinks in excess. Not only because the season encourages us to indulge guilt-free, but a lot of the products are designed to warm us up. For example, hot drinks such as teas and coffees, as well as soups, curries, and tomato-based sauces, are all winter staples and comfort foods when the weather turns gloomy. Not only that, but we’re also more likely to pair our meals with a glass of stain-inducing red wine during the colder seasons. Although it’s unrealistic to avoid the consumption of teeth-staining foods and live a happy lifestyle, we can try to consume them in moderation to avoid excessive staining of our teeth.

Other foods that have a strong staining power include highly acidic and dark-coloured products such as coca cola and balsamic vinegar, dark-coloured foods in general, such as dark fruit juices – including cranberry, blueberry and grape – and soy sauce, and certain fruits and vegetables such as berries and beetroot.

  • Brush your teeth regularly

Winter is often when we’re the laziest. Especially if you’re rugged up in bed and it’s cold outside. This often leads to poor hygiene habits – such as skipping the second teeth brushing of the day.

Brushing your teeth regularly ensures that you effectively remove products that have the power to stain your teeth. However, remember to wait 30 minutes after eating to brush to allow your teeth to remineralise and prevent damage. Additionally, you can purchase and use a plaque disclosing products – such as tablets or mouthwash – to quickly identify areas you missed during brushing.

  • Drinking water regularly

As mentioned, it’s silly to ask you to cut out all foods that stain your teeth. Drinking water, especially after a meal, will help rinse food with staining power from your teeth.

  • Drink through a straw.

Using a straw minimises the contact a beverage has with your teeth as it is transported directly to the back of your mouth.

  • Be gentle with your teeth.

Ironically, the more abrasive you are with your teeth when it comes to cleaning, the more likely they will look stained. Brushing roughly risks removing and damaging the enamel and revealing the deeper-hued dentin underneath.

  • Eat foods that reduce the discolouration of your teeth

Just as some foods can stain your teeth, others can reduce discolouration. For example, crunchy fruits and veggies can have a cleansing effect on your teeth, reducing stains. Additionally, foods with a small amount of malic acid, such as apples, can assist in dissolving stains.

Follow our tips to ensure your teeth are white throughout the colder months. After all, whiter teeth are made in the winter and revealed in summer.

However, if you’re feeling self-conscious about your teeth or they’re already discoloured and stained, you can come in to chat with us. We’ll be happy to talk you through your options, including recommending a home whitening treatment or walking through our professional non-invasive whitening services.

To get a professional opinion or make an appointment, contact Maidstone Dental today.

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