
The Hidden Danger of Sleep Apnea

Find out more about sleep apnea and its hidden danger.

Are you tired during the day? Do you, your partner or your child snore? Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder where there are repetitive pauses in breathing during sleep. These pauses can occur several times per hour and last for over 10 seconds, causing the sleeper to move out of deep sleep and usually wake up.


What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea? (OSA)


When a person’s airway collapses during sleep, there is a lack of oxygen to your brain. OSA is related to severe health conditions. (Note: Snoring is not normal)

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Hidden Dangers of Sleep Apnea

If sleep apnea is untreated, it can result in serious medical conditions. Suppose moderate/ severe sleep apnea is left untreated. In that case, people will die ten years younger relating to complications including chronic tiredness, which may increase;

  • Heart failure, irregular heart beats, and heart attacks
  • Blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Depression
  • Road accidents
  • Reflux sinusitis
  • Stroke
  • Eye diseases
  • Iron deficiency. 

Signs of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea can be in children, adults – male and female. While it is associated with obesity, it can be in slim people too.

General signs of sleep apnea:

  • Loud snoring (not everyone with sleep apnea snores)
  • Gasping for breath
  • Dry mouth
  • Tired during the day, irritability

Signs of sleep apnea in kids:

  • Deficient ADHD
  • Hyperactive
  • Poor concentration at school
  • Can prevent healthy growth
  • Mouth breathing
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The symptoms of sleep apnea

How to diagnose the severity and cause?

Your dentist at Maidstone Dental or a speech pathologist can perform a screening for sleep apnea. But, first, we will determine any signs of sleep apnea by checking your tonsils, tongue, jaw structure, level of mouth dryness, and any signs of tooth grinding.


If we find any symptoms, we will ask you to fill in a questionnaire (Stop Bang or Epworth Sleep Scale) for you to see your GP, who may refer you for a sleep study or refer you to an Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist. The ENTs can help determine the cause of the blockage in the airway.


In other words, it is a team approach where speech pathologists, sleep physicians, respiratory specialists, allergists, and ophthalmologists may be involved in diagnosing and managing.


TIP: We recommend our patients use the ‘SnoreLab App’ to record if there is snoring (handy if you live alone).  


Treatment of Sleep Apnea

Home Management

  • Posture: in mild sleep apnea, lying on your back may make sleep apnea worse.
  • Obesity-related: exercise/ diet.
  • Nasal devices: if the cause of sleep apnea is related to nasal collapse, this can help.
  • Exercises for the airway: instruments involving blowing air/breathing exercises may benefit some patients.


Professional Treatment

  • Sleep apnea mouthguard: a night guard made to move the lower jaw forward to open the airway and allow breathing.
  • Orthodontics: expansion of the upper jaw.
  • CPAP machine: mask is worn to open airways while breathing.
  • Surgery: some patients may consider surgery. For example, adenoid or tonsil removal.

Suppose you have any questions or concerns related to Sleep Apnea. In that case, we always recommend that you come in for a dental examination so we can thoroughly examine your teeth and mouth. Call us on 9317 5636 or book online.

References / Reading materials
‘Snored to Death’ by Dr David MacIntosh MBBS FRACS PhD (book) 

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