To breastfeed or to not breastfeed? That is one of the first decisions a mother makes for their newborn. There are so many reasons on both sides of the argument, including many personal ones. However, did you know that the benefits of breastfeeding can assist with the development of the child’s teeth?
Research has found that breastfeeding supports jaw. due to the way babies use their tongues during breastfeeding. Thrusting their tongue against their soft palate during breastfeeding encourages the soft palate to expand and allows for proper growth of the upper jaw. The expansion reduces the chance of over-crowded teeth and misaligned teeth – reducing the need for braces later in life.
A study of 630 children found that the longer a child is breastfed, the more likely they will develop appropriately spaced teeth that are aligned and without an over-or under-bite. In fact, breastfeeding can be a protective factor against a posterior crossbite – where the lower teeth overlap the upper teeth – and a Class II malocclusion.
Additionally, how a mother’s nipple can adapt to an infant’s mouth allows for the proper development of their nasal cavity. This, combined with the way the jaw develops, can help prevent problems with sleep-disordered breathing in the child, such as sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can be the root cause of ADHD and obesity in children.
Recent studies have found that breastfeeding up to 12 months can protect teeth against tooth decay. Antibodies found in breastmilk prevent bacteria growth, leading to a reduction in tooth decay. This is because the sugar in breastmilk – lactose – can’t be consumed by the bacteria found on teeth in babies – limiting the number of cavities.
At the end of the day, breastfeeding is a choice and whether or not you choose to breastfeed your child, ensure their dental health by making regular dental check-ups.
Moreover, don’t forget to take care of yourself as well. Being a mum, especially a new mum, is entirely overwhelming. It can cause you to forget to take care of yourself and your dental health. Moreover, teeth grinding due to tension in jaws and neck increases when you become a mum. So, it’s important to take the time and take care of yourself as well.
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